The Grand Digital Menagerie

The Grand Menagerie

Metabolism Cages


New World Animals

The Keepers

The Kept

The Keepers

Wilbur O. Atwater

The act of keeping establishes a carceral relationship between the keepers and the kept. To understand how carcerality is integral to metabolic domination, we focus on the carceral forms of knowledge that are linked to metabolism cages and the social contexts of their production.

The Kept

Come one, come all! Let us peruse the menagerie of metabolism cages, that wondrous and playful contraption! From the humble guinea pig to the noble savage, new world animals small and large have been placed inside a metabolism cage in the names of industrial science and scientific industry. How does it work, you ask? Well, this isn’t your garden variety animal confinement structure, not in the least bit.

Body Heat

How much heat does a guinea pig produce as it lives?


Body Heat

What can we learn about mammalian metabolic systems by studying the body heat produced by a dog at varying levels of activity?


Respiratory Products

How much carbon dioxide does a man exhale during various lev els of exertion?


Powdered TNT

How might the inhalation or general ingestion of powdered TNT affect the bodily functions of a dog?


High Magnetic Fields

An exploration of methodology: How can we effectively apply electro magnetic fields onto the body of a mouse while keeping the organism contained and accurately measuring bodily excretions?


Fission Products

Multi species exploration: What affect does would the inhalation of fission products affect the bodies of a beagle, guinea pig, mouse and rat?